
Recently I have been recieving mail from factions of the New Age movement who claim to have clairvoyant knowledge that Barrack Obama is a powerful ‘lightworker’, here to usher humanity into a fifth dimensional reality, an age of peace and enlightenment, a coalition of the spiritually willing that awaits the righteous beyond 2012. The spiritual channel 'Magenta Pixie' stakes the veracity of her political insights on her psychic power, ‘vibing’ photographs of Barrack Obama and gazing into his aura, and from mystical communication with a group of higher dimensional beings she calls ‘The Nine’, Magenta Pixie claims that her spiritual and psychic abilities afford her a privileged insight into Obama's true political agenda, and that the day shall soon come to pass when the unenlightened amongst us will awaken, embracing his policies as the messianic orchestrations of a modern day Jesus Christ.
Sadly the more sombre and weighty views of those analysts who shy away from the pastel end of the political spectrum have been hindering Obama's coming as they continue to dabble in the dark machinations of political negativity. Noam Chomsky notes that In a pre election speech to AIPAC regarding the Israel/Palestine conflict Barrack Obama "broke records in obsequiousness" (Chomsky, 2009), and that "nobody in history had ever gone so far in flouting international law and Security Council resolutions. In fact Obama’s speech was so extreme that his campaign had to publicly retract his statements" (Ibid).
John Pilger notes "in the first 100 days of office, Obama has excused torture, opposed habeas corpus and demanded more secret government. He has kept Bush’s gulag intact and at least 17,000 prisoners beyond the reach of justice. On April the 24th his lawyers won an appeal that ruled Gauntanamo prisoners were not “persons”, and therefore had no right not to be tortured. All over the world, America’s violent assault on innocent people, directly or by agents, has been stepped up." During the recent massacre in Gaza, reports Seymour Hersh, “the Obama team let it be known that it would not object to the planned resupply of ‘smart bombs’ and other high tech ordnance that was already flowing to Isreal”, and being used to slaughter mostly woman and children (Pilger, 2009).
Magenta Pixie, keeping in step with her favourite "saviour of earth" Barack Obama, says she expected negative reactions to her visionary insights because “there are a lot of different levels of people’s consciousness, of where they are and what they see, and everybody is seeing what they are supposed to be seeing” (Pixie, 2009). She proclaims that Obama’s higher self has given permission to those of the 'correct frequency' to see that these imperfections are merely a flickering in his messianic light (Ibid). The logical inference being that those who do not enjoy the good fortune of a 'correct spiritual vibration' or worse still, exhibit un-American political attitudes, can hope for ascension through a machine gun hail of U.S. benevolence.
John Pilger reports, "in Afghanistan, the US "strategy" of killing Pashtun tribespeople (the "Taliban") has been extended by Obama to give the Pentagon time to build a series of permanent bases right across the devastated country where, says Secretary Gates, the US military will remain indefinitely. Obama's policy, one unchanged since the Cold War, is to intimidate Russia and China, now an imperial rival. He is proceeding with Bush's provocation of placing missiles on Russia's western border, justifying it as a counter to Iran, which he accuses, absurdly, of posing "a real threat" to Europe and the US" (Pilger, 2009).
One can only wonder if Obama and his administration share Magenta Pixie's reticence for those spiritually retarded souls, vibrating at the incorrect frequency, who neglect to rejoice at the slaughter of their loved ones, or stubbornly persist in the habit of being exploded to smithereens by American drones. Despite her profound spiritual insights, Magenta Pixie stresses that she does not regard herself as being better than others. She is confident that eventually people will see the truth of Obama's saintliness, not by looking with their eyes, or enquiring with their brain, “but by opening your heart and looking with your energy" (Pixie, 2009). Magenta Pixie asserts that she has a right to see what she sees without being ridiculed, teased or attacked. I can only conclude that there are indeed a lot of different levels of people’s consciousness, of where they are, and what they see, but if it weren’t for the fact that Magenta Pixie’s excruciatingly ignorant and vacuous opinions are shared by so many in one form or another, they wouldn’t have the power to be such a killing joke.
Reference List
Chomsky, Noam. (2009), Chomsky on Obama's Foreign Policy Available:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVVDNIeQ77I&feature=related
Pilger, John. (2009), Obama's 100 Days -- The Mad Men Did Well Available:http://www.zmag.org/zspace/commentaries/3848
Pixie, Magenta. (2009), Saviours of Earth interview Brad Johnson & Magenta Pixie discuss Barack Obama Available: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etn0AVf0sr4
Correspondence with Magenta Pixie:
Hi Magenta Pixie. I'm confused about your proclamations in the interview by Brad Johnston. You claim to have clairvoyant knowledge that Obama is a powerful lightworker here to usher humanity into an age of enlightenment. I dont share your confidence and I wondered, is it possible that The Nine occasionally make mistakes? I find it hard to share your reticence for those spiritually retarded souls, vibrating at the incorrect frequency, who fail to see Obamas saintliness, who neglect to rejoice at the slaughter of their loved ones, and persist in the habit of being exploded to smithereens by American drones. Please help me understand how those who are dying as a direct result of Obama's policies can adopt a 'correct spiritual vibration' and overcome their un-American political attitudes so that they to can share in your profound visionary insights.
Magenta Pixie
Hi Nick - No I made no claim to have clairvoyant knowledge regarding Obama, I simply spoke about what i see. Is it possible the Nine may make mistakes? I would not call anything they speak of as a mistake but from our perspective you could see that possibility if you wish, that would be regarding timelines and future outcomes although they show me the infinite possibilities and their are no "mistakes" in that grand design, however from the perspective you mean all I can say is that it is possible although i have not come across anything that could be regarded as a 'mistake' yet.
Also I do not see any "spiritually retarded souls" on this planet - we are all equal and no one is above or below anyone else although it is correct to say we grow at different spiritual rates. Regarding Obama the person who I have come across who speaks the most truth regarding him is David Wilcock of devine cosmos website, I sugest researching his perspective so you may widen yours peace
Magenta Pixie, if you were simply voicing your opinion that would be an honest and benign position, and in such circumstances your vacuity could be easily excused. However, you claim to channel an omniscient spiritual authority which you say affords you a privilaged insight into Obama's true political agenda. Consequently your spiritual proclaimations demand of you the highest level of accountability. Let us not forget that Obama's policies are resulting in death and destruction.
Given the hyperbolic nature of your predictions for Obama's presidency, it would be wise to subject them to a modicum of scrutiny.
Jeremy Scahill notes that "What we see with Obama's policies in Iraq, Afghanistan and the broader Arab and Muslim world, as well as his global economic policies, are a continuation of the most devastating and violent policies of the Bush administration--while placing a face on it that makes it easier to expand the iron fist of U.S. militarism and the hidden hand of the free market."
Anthony Arnove continues, "it's clear that Barack Obama was able to get elected by signaling, even if only rhetorically, a shift in U.S. foreign policy. But as Jeremy points out, the continuity is really disturbing on a number of fronts. There are striking similarities to the policies of the Bush administration. Take, for example, habeas corpus rights. The Obama administration made a lot of noise about closing down Guantánamo. Yet in a series of briefs, the Justice Department has said that prisoners held in any base other than Guantánamo don't have habeas corpus rights--for example, prisoners being held in Bagram, Afghanistan.
In Iraq, although Barack Obama promised he would have all troops out by 2012, the ground is being laid for troops to stay in Iraq for years and years to come. The army chief of staff, Gen. George Casey, said that the Pentagon was making preparations to keep troops in Iraq until the year 2019." (Arnove Scahill 2009)
You claim that Obama is here to usher humanity into a fifth dimensional reality, an age of peace and enlightenment and that eventually people will see the truth of Obama's saintliness, not by looking with their eyes, or enquiring with their brain, “but by opening your heart and looking with your energy." These are incredibly bombastic proclaimations! If any of this were true it would characterise Obama as a modern day Jesus Christ!
You say that you do not see any spiritually retarded souls on this planet, "we are all equal and no one is above or below anyone else although it is correct to say we grow at different spiritual rates." Given that you are measuring a persons degree of spiritual development (vibration) based on whether or not they share your ridiculous political views, and the ease with which you brush aside Obama's militarism and the resulting death and destruction, it is difficult not to construe your spirituality as irresponsible visionary posturing characterised by a lack of genuine care and compassion. I agree that most of what you say seems to bypass your brain, and yet I detect a disquietingly Orwellian cleverness in your doublespeak, something like, "All animals are equal but some are more equal than others."
I think heart and energy are a great start when engaging with the world but can I suggest you use all of your senses, why limit yourself? After switching your brain back on maybe you could reactivate some common sense?
A Reader response to Obama's AIPAC Speech
Senator Obama has found it necessary to schmooze AIPAC during his speaking event in Chicago. Competing with Hillary for who's 'better' on Israel? Definitely. Something necessary for a 'viable' presidential candidate? Sadly, Obama must believe so. The candidate for peace, justice & human rights? I'm having significant doubts.
Personally, I experienced a entirely different view of Israel/Palestine during my visit...not from the air in an IDF helicopter like Obama but rather on the ground. My experience was significantly less pastoral. Nothing like the tranquil picture of Kiryat Shmona that Obama paints.
Obama notes seeing Israeli houses "like you find in suburban America". I saw demolished Palestinian homes and a 24' concrete separation wall in the name of 'security'.
Obama imagined children riding their bikes down the streets. I met Palestinian children who rode together in a vehicle for four hours - stopped at periodic Israeli checkpoints - to travel a 30 minute route as the crow flies. And I heard from other Palestinian youth who wondered if they would be able to pass safely to school from day to day.
Obama saw trimmed shrubs. I saw demolished Palestinian olive groves and water shortages.
Obama mentions three captured Israeli military members. I met with Palestinians whose civilian family members - including minors and women - incarcerated for years...no charges, no trial, no hopes.
Obama mentions another road map. I rode in a vehicle along Palestinian roads within the West Bank that had been dug up by US-made earth moving equipment, blocked by boulders or giant concret blocks and covered with oil to mark footprints of those walking in the area.
Obama makes a bit of an effort to be the 'uniter' near the end of his speech but his message is disappointingly clear. And disappointing. No mention of the 40-year Israeli occupation of Palestine, the counless civilian casualties this last summer in Lebanon resulting from direct Israeli bombing or Israeli settlements expanding in the West Bank.
One can wonder what reaction Obama's Muslim father would think of his son's speech. Or his progressive Christian friends from his UCC congregation in Chicago. Or blacks that lived through South African apartheid. Or Arab Americans who have suffered immeasurable discrimination, especially since 9/11.
Obama recalls the horrors of the Holocaust & confirms that it is time to "deny the deniers". I agree with him wholeheartedly. It is also right to "deny the deniers" of the Israeli occupation and the human rights violations burdened upon Palestinian Christians and Muslims today.
Response to Pilger's Z-mag article. AVAILABLE: http://www.zmag.org/zspace/commentaries/3848
By Mason, Mark
Oh, I needed to read this blog entry by Pilger today! Right on. Obama is a total sell-out. How he fails to take a moral position on waterboarding is disgraceful. He's a slick opportunist. No other word comes to mind than "opportunist" when thinking of American presidents. No on can reach the White House without exhibiting the appropriate obedience to corporate power and the military-industrial-congressional complex.
I would surely leave the US for parts unknown without Z-Space. Knowing that we're not alone is crucial to combatting cynicism and resignation. It's so painful to look at the corruption of American government. It's bad enough that the workplace is a tyranny of corporate masters. Has Obama no shame? Doesn't he have any part of his personhood which reacts violently to his own corruption. Doesn't he know that he's a sell-out. Doesn't Obama know that his behavior is inprincipled and mere opportunism? Doesn't Obama have any shame that he puts his rhetorical skills to use as a tool to cover up high crimes and misdemeanors? The corporate media is in collusion.
They really aren't "one of us." The US does have a power elite which has no moral footing. There are people unlike anyone I know. It's so hard to imagine anyone willing to drop bombs and pretend that it's okay for the past president to engage in torture, and to take money out of the pockets of the many to put in the pockets of the powerful bankers.
What happened to my country? FDR didn't do this during the depression. He put people to work. Where is the WPA (Works Progress Administration) when you need it?. Who stole my country?
Who stole my country? The only way to get it back is to organize resistance, but I don't see anyone in the streets. Where is everybody? Where are the unemployed, the homeless, and the exploited working poor? The most disturbing element of modern life is that it's so quiet. 1984.
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